News from Members

LSC – Sociedade de advogados, RL

direito-na-construcaoSandra Gomes Pinto, partner at LSC will take part in the III International Congress about construction, which will be held on 9 and 10 October in Curitiba/PR, promoted by the IBDiC-Instituto Brasileiro de Direito da Construção, aiming at addressing the most recent and relevant issues of the Brazilian scenario regarding infrastructures, taking into account the effects of the global economic crisis.

The Portuguese lawyer is one of the few international speakers invited and will discuss with international arbitrators, such as Roger Peters, about the specific experience of Portuguese companies in the resolution of disputes in the area of infrastructures in Portugal and in Africa, with special focus on the use of arbitration.

LSC – Sociedade de advogados, RL
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 19 – 3º – Lisboa |